Introducing Fastech Ezi-IO series IO modules

August 15, 2022


Introducing Fastech Ezi-IO series IO modules

EtherCAT Based Digital I/O Module

All EtherCAT Synchronization Modes Supported

CiA 401 Profile Supported

Simple and Easy Wiring

Ezi-IO EtherCAT DIO provides 16CH and 32CH modules. There are 16CH DC input module, 16CH transistor output module, and 8CH DC input/8CH transistoroutput mixed module for 16CH type products.In addition, therer are 32CH DC input module, 32CHtransistor output module, 16CH DC input/16CH transistor output mixed module for 32CH type products.Also, Ezi-IO EtherCAT DIO provides NPN/PNP compatible modules to support various I/O devices.

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