Surgical Robot to Treat Heart Disease
The customer manufactures robotic solution to enhance the treatment of for the treatment of an arrhythmias and perform endovascular procedures. The medical robotic system uses magnetic fields and robotic precision to navigate a magnetic catheter directly from the tip. Two robotic controlled magnets are placed next to the patient table. The customer is a leader in their respective field.

The customer used the RMP EtherCAT motion controller due to multi-axis synchronization. In addition, the RMP has helped the customer stream multi-axis motion trajectories in a real-time deterministic manner.
The customer has developed in-house simulation software and they were able to leverage RSI’s intuitive RapidCode software libraries (programmable in C++ and C#) to reach production quickly.
The customer selected a compact servo drive to be used with a brushless dc motor to ensure smooth motion.
Motion Controller Features
Streaming Motion: Our motion controller includes several very powerful streaming motion options which enabled our customer to stream coordinated multi-axis moves in a deterministic manner.
Performance and Reliability: When the application can not fail, our customer trusted our high-performance motion controller because it provides the reliability and performance required for medical robotic.
RTOS Integration: Our customer is running our motion controller with INtime alongside Windows. This architecture is paramount when latency times, performance, and reliability are critical. In addition, the motion firmware runs in a real-time deterministic manner.
- Industrial PC: iPC
- Servo Brushless DC Motors
- EtherCAT Servo Drives
- Modular EtherCAT IO node
- Motion Controller: RMP EtherCAT Motion Controller
- HMI/UI: Custom designed by the customer.
- Language: C++
- Our customer enjoys the freedom to choose servo drives and motors from the most suitable manufacturers.
- Unlimited system support for development, commissioning, and field machines.
- Motion solution delivers in performance, reliability, and price.